let us help you discover your best self.
YBS aims to empower hard working women to achieve their goals, enhance their well-being and maximize their potential through ongoing support and a little tough love. We’re here to give you the kick in the butt you need to help you discover your unlimited potential to live a fulfilling, present and connected life.
We are well aware that we are not licensed or trained professional therapists. We are well aware that “life coaching” is not a well regulated profession. We are well aware that we might not be exactly what you need to get out of your rut. What we do know is that sometimes you need a fresh perspective from somebody who isn’t a close friend or family member. What we do know is when you have somebody to help keep you accountable, short term failures become long term, sustainable successes. What we do know is that we want you to feel supported in setting a goal and achieving it. We're here for that.

1:1 coaching
book an hourly session or book our signature package for six weeks of accountability and check-ins. let's look at your routines, your screen time and various tools you can use to maximize your productivity.
hourly: $125 / hour
package: $850 for 6 weeks
weekly hourly call and daily check in included

in home organization
ever hear messy bed is a messy head? we believe it. whether you need to dial in a room or your whole house, a tidy space can transform you life.
starting at $50 / hour
contact us for a custom quote.

come away with us for a weekend of relaxation, connection, and community. we offer quarterly coastal retreats.
priced seasonally per retreat.
average investment $650-$850